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För stimulera våra medlemmar att ta del av tillgänglig litteratur och nya vetenskapliga artiklar kommer styrelsen fortlöpande lägga ut sådant som vi tycker borde lyftas fram. Bör ses som ett komplement till övriga litteraturstudier och speglar våra subjektiva val av vad som är läsvärt. Med det sagt, här kommer några förslag!

Morbidity and mortality following standardised perioperative management of patients operated with acute abdominal surgery in a high-risk emergency setting 
Terje Jansson Timan

Sweden Department of Surgery, Institute of Clinical Sciences Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg Gothenburg, Sweden

The aim of the study is to implement and evaluate the intervention of a protocol-based standardised care for patients undergoing acute high-risk abdominal surgery. The ob-jective is to investigate whether standardised perioperative care can reduce mortality and morbidity on short and long term.

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Emergent colon cancer and postoperative complications
Risks and management


The results of this thesis shows that postoperative complications need to be addressed and treated promptly in attempt to increase survival.

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My Blohm 

Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Division of Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden 

Den 8/12 2023 disputerade My Blohm på avhandlingen “Treatment of cholelithiasis and acute cholecystitits - Surgical safety in gallstone surgery”
Huvudhandledare var Johanna Österberg och opponent Frederik Helgstrand, Köpenhamns Universitet.
Avhandlingen består av 5 delarbeten varav 3 är baserade på Gallriks och 2 är prospektiva. Arbetena är av stort kliniskt värde för den akuta gallkirurgin.
I. The Sooner, the Better? The importance of Optimal Timing of
Cholecystectomy in Acute Cholecystitis: Data from the National Swedish
Registry for Gallstone Surgery, GallRiks

My Blohm et al - J Gastrointest Surg. 2017;21(1):33-40
Fördelar rapporteras att tidigt operera patienter med cholecystit.
II. Relationship between surgical volume and outcomes in elective and acute
cholecystectomy: nationwide, observational study

My Blohm et al - Br J Surg. 2023;110(3):353-61.
Ju större operationsvolym en klinik har desto bättre resultat.
III. Differences in Cholecystectomy Outcomes and Operating Time Between
Male and Female Surgeons in Sweden

My Blohm et al - JAMA surgery. Published online August 30, 2023
Kvinnliga kirurger tar lite längre tid på sig vid operation och har färre komplikationer.
IV.Learning by doing: an observational study of the learning curve for
ultrasonic fundus-first dissection in elective cholecystectomy

My Blohm et al-  Surg Endosc. 2022;36(6):4602-13
Relativt snabbt lärde sig kirurger fundus-first teknik.
V. Ultrasonic dissection in laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute
cholecystitis, a randomized controlled trial

My Blohm et al Manuscript
Fördelar sågs med Ultraljudsdissektorn vid laparoskopisk cholecystektomi.
Vi gratulerar My och kirurgkliniken i Mora för ett fint arbete. Speciellt arbete 3 har rönt stor uppmärksamhet inte minst internationellt!

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Management of Gallstone Disease in Pregnancy. Aspects on Intervention, Outcome and Patient Experience
Jonas Hedström

Department of Clinical Sciences, Malmö | Lund University, Sweden

This thesis aims to further contribute to the knowledge of managing gallstone disease during pregnancy.

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Late surgical complications of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
Hassan Zaigham

Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden

The aim of this thesis is to investigate challenges in diagnosing and managing late surgical complications of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) experienced by acute care surgeons.

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Mangement of acute cholecystitis. Surgery, drainage and gallbladder aspiration
Agnieszka Popowicz

Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Division of Surgery Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

We found that safety of cholecystectomy increases if performed more than 30 days after discharge after a conservatively treated cholecystitis. PGBA seems to be a safe treatment option in high-risk patients, although it should be evaluated in larger studies. A cholecystostomy can be safely removed early and performing a cholangiography does not seem to change the outcome.

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Evaluation and management of penetrating lower extremity arterial trauma

There have been changes in practice since the publication of the previous guidelines in 2002. Expedited triage of patients is possible with physical examination and/or the measurement of ankle-brachial indices. Computed tomographic angiography has become the diagnostic study of choice when imaging is required. Tourniquets and intravascular shunts have emerged as adjuncts in the treatment of penetrating lower extremity arterial trauma. The role of endovascular intervention warrants further investigation.
Abstract på PubMed

Randomized clinical trial of Appendicitis Inflammatory Response score-based management of patients with suspected appendicitis

AIR score-based risk classification can safely reduce the use of diagnostic imaging and hospital admissions in patients with suspicion of appendicitis.
Abstract på PubMed

An adapted Clavien-Dindo scoring system in trauma as a clinically meaningful nonmortality endpoint.​​​​​​

The ACDiT scale can be used to grade the severity of posttrauma complications in patients managed both operatively and nonoperatively. It provides clinically meaningful data for morbidity and mortality meetings and other quality improvement exercises.
Abstract på PubMed

Routine computed tomography after recent operative exploration for penetrating trauma: What injuries do we miss?

We recommend the use of immediate postoperative CT after emergent laparotomy especially when there is a high index of suspicion for spine or genitourinary injuries and in patients who have sustained ballistic penetrating injuries.
Abstract på PubMed